School finally started in this neck of the woods and in honor of that I thought I'd trot out this little lunch box surprise.
A Balanced MealThe funny thing is, I keep offering to make the girls a lunch to take to school but they'd rather have the school hot lunch. You don't think this poem could have anything to do with that, do you?
by David Elzey
I brought my lunch to school today
With all my favorite stuff,
Like French toast topped with gravy
And burnt marshmallow fluff.
My sandwich includes pickled eggs
With jam and sauerkraut,
Hot mustard and green jelly beans
Between two slabs of trout.
Inside my Thermos that I filled
With cream of liver soup
I added chocolate covered ants;
They melted into goop.
And don't forget to brings some fruit
For snack, my father brays.
I prefer to eat green grapes
All smeared in mayonnaise.
I have the finest lunch around,
The best in any grade.
You couldn’t find a better meal
So... do you want to trade?
Ha! This is great! (The two slabs of trout especially got me.)
I have to tell you that my daughter used to take lentil soup in a Thermos to her pre-school. That is, until one kid said: What's that? Poop?
It's so true, kids can be so mean when it comes to other's lunches. I used to bring pickles, cheese and mustard sandwiches and even my friends thought that too weird and wouldn't sit with me.
In sixth grade we were allowed to eat lunch at home if we lived close enough. By then I was replacing the mustard with sandwich spread.
Now, that was fun.
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